On Friday, February 24, 2012 the following students should be excused from school:
12th Grade
Garrett Herring
Ross Herring
James Kirkland
Lauren Renfroe
Lauren Wiggins
11th Grade
April Garrett
10th Grade
Caleb Gray
Sara Saunders
9th Grade
Madison Gilmore
Jefferey Saunders
Justin Law
8th Grade
Scout Buffy
They will be participating in the YMCA Youth Legislature program in Montgomery.
Contact Information
YMCA Youth in Government State Office 334-269-4362
Contacts – Sam Adams -- Assistant Director, Travis Roques – Registrar
Renaissance Hotel 334-484-5000
All students except the following will meet at 7AM on Friday in the gravel parking lot behind the school. Lauren Wiggins, Garrett Herring, Madison Gilmore, Jefferey Saunders, and Justin Law will travel separately.
A detailed agenda can be found at ALYIG.ORG that lists the events and locations for the entire weekend.
We will return early Sunday afternoon.