1984 projects are due on Thursday, August 25. All work must be typed, double spaced, and written using Times New Roman or a similar font. Use one-inch margins. You may choose different activities that add up to 100 points. There are assignments worth 25, 50, or 100 points. If you choose to work in pairs, assignments must equal 200 points.
KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN MIND: Some of you have already come up with projects that are not included on this list. If you wish to deviate from the choices I have provided, make sure that I approve the project and assign a point value.
25 Point Assignments - The written work for each of the 25 point assignments must be at least 10-12 sentences.
Soundtrack Choose a song that could underscore a scene from 1984. Or, choose a song that might underscore the preview for the movie. Explain why you chose the song in a well-developed paragraph. You must also provide a cd with the song so that the class can listen to your selection. Do not use a song that contains explicit language.
Propaganda Poster Create a poster that appeared in Oceania. The poster could feature one of the party’s slogans, or it could be the face of Big Brother with the “Big Brother is watching you” quote at the bottom. Explain, in a well-developed paragraph, why the image or words on the poster were important in the story. Remember to carefully consider the style and colors used when making your poster.
Book Cover Design a book cover and explain your concept. Remember to use inspired elements of symbolism and color themes.
50 Point Assignments
Book Review- Write a one-page book review for 1984.
Rap/Poem/ Song - Write a rap, poem or song of at least 20 lines about the novel. The song can be about a character or it can be written from his or her perspective. It could be about the plot, a theme, etc. 20-25 line minimum
Dear Diary... Write a one-page diary entry from Julia’s point of view. You may choose a different character; make sure that I approve your choice.
Newsworthy - Locate an article about a place that is similar to Oceania or find an article that describes a person in a situation similar to Winston’s. Print the story and summarize it in 7-8 sentences. Write an additional 10-12 sentences that compare the modern day story with 1984.
100 Point Assignments
Re-Write a Scene - Modernize a scene. Rewrite a selection of the text, but change the setting and the characters. Try to include at least five vocabulary words and emulate the literary devices that Orwell used.
Game Time- Make a 1984 themed board game. Involve as many characters, places, events and images as you can. Write a set of rules and create game pieces.
Storyboard- Create a storyboard (using poster paper) with at least eight detailed images that tell the story of 1984 or a specific scene within the novel. Include captions for the images in a word document. The captions should be at least four sentences and should accurately describe the images on the board.
1984 Illustrated - Draw and illustrate a map of the territories, noting the places that were mentioned in the novel. A five-sentence description of each place and what happened there must be included. You must also explain the Party’s reasoning behind the jurisdictions.