British Literature 2011-2012
PLAS 12th Grade
Teacher: Mrs. Jenny Meadows
Class Objectives
This class provides an overview of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to contemporary times. Studying the influence of historical and cultural events on notable authors will broaden students’ awareness and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for some of the most sublime works ever written. In addition to analyzing various texts, students will also write about the connections between classical works and current issues.
Classroom Rules
1. Be prepared. Be in your desk when the bell rings and bring all required materials to class. Coming to class unprepared is unacceptable. Pencils and paper will be sold for one dollar, or you may opt to receive detention.
2. Be respectful. Think before you speak. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment. Wait until an appropriate time to discuss matters unrelated to classwork.
3. Be alert. Listen and take notes.
4. Be honest. Cheating of any kind results in a zero. If you allow a classmate to copy your work, you will also receive a zero.
5. Try your best. Establish habits that lead to success.
You will receive one verbal warning. If the misbehavior continues, then detention will be given. If you are sent to detention twice for misconduct in my class, your parents or guardians will be notified.
Supply List – Bring the following items to class every day:
Assigned textbook College-ruled paper Three-ring binder with dividers
Black or blue pen Highlighter Sharpened or mechanical pencil
Notebook Notebooks should be organized into the following sections:
1) Journal You will have a minimum of three journal entries per week. I will provide comments for each entry, but a numerical grade will not be given for your work until the end of a grading period. Additional details will be given in class.
2) Vocabulary Note that vocabulary tests are comprehensive.
3) Grammar Mini-lessons will be given as needed throughout the year. Keep track of the material covered because application problems will be presented on exams.
4) Literature Take notes not only during class but also when you read on your own. Studying for exams will be more productive if you have already documented key elements from the text.
5) Projects Keep research notes, sketches, rough drafts, and other materials related to writing projects or alternative assessments in this section.
Assignments will be weighted according to the following percentages:
Tests and major writing assignments 50%
Quizzes and classwork 25%
Homework 15%
Journal entries 10%
Because this is a college-preparatory course, major writing assignments will be assessed using guidelines similar to those used at the college level. Major blunders that deduct 25 points per error include fragments, run-ons, comma splices, and subject verb agreement errors. Dually note that a grammar review will be given prior to the first major writing assignment, ensuring that you can proofread with competence. Spelling and punctuation mistakes deduct three points per error. Organization and content will be graded according to standards appropriate for the assignment.
Rough drafts are worth the same number of points as the final draft. The final paper’s grade will not be scored lower than the rough draft’s grade in order to encourage a true revision. Remember that when revising, you rethink the paper and completely rewrite it. Your final paper’s grade will not change if your rough draft did not change.
Late work & Make-up Work Policy
All major assignments must be submitted in class on the date that it is due. In order for work to be graded, it must meet or exceed the guidelines set for acceptable work. If a typed rough draft is due at the beginning of class, the hard copy must be ready when the bell signals class to begin. I will neither accept nor grade a digital copy of your paper if the requirements specified otherwise. Major assignments will be announced in advance; do not procrastinate. Having “technical issues” is no excuse. Ten points will be deducted for each day that a major assignment is late.
If you have an excused absence, assignments can be made up and submitted within three days after returning to school. If you were in class and made aware of a test or assignment, it is your responsibility to be prepared to take the test or turn in the assignment upon returning to school. Granted, some circumstances necessitate exceptions to the rule. Be responsible and notify me before class if you have a legitimate excuse for not being prepared.
Important: You must signup in class or confirm via email when you wish to make-up a test. If you are a no-show, you must sign-up for another time to take an all-essay test.
Because I am teaching part-time, it is imperative that you communicate any questions or concerns before school or at an appropriate time during class. If you or your parents need to schedule a conference, please contact me via email.