Sunday, April 22, 2012

Checklist & Final Exam Rubric

Dear Seniors,
Below is a checklist that will help you stay organized and stress free. You will receive a hard copy of the checklist and rubric in class, and I will answer any questions you have concerning the assignments and exam.
:) Mrs. M
April 16
Complete the online scavenger hunt.
Look up vocabulary for homework.

April 17
Read Chapters 1-3.

April 18
Answer reading questions for chapters 1-3.

April 19
Responses for chapters 1-3 are due.

April 20
Read chapters 4-6 and answer the questions.

April 23
Responses for chapters 4-6 are due.
Read chapters 8 & 9. Select a research topic. Remember: two sources are due on April 25.

April 24
We will review chapters 8 & 9 in class.

April 25
Bring two sources to class. Read chapter 10 for homework. Locate two additional sources for Friday’s class.

April 26
Test on chapters 1-10.

April 27
Begin drafting research papers. Today’s work counts as a major grade. Earn 40 points out of 100 for being prepared.  

April 30
Research paper drafts will be returned. A typed two-page rough draft is due on May 4.
Read chapters 12 & 13. Complete the questions for homework.

May 1
Reading responses for chapters 12 & 13 are due. We will work on chapters 14 & 15 during class. Unfinished work can be submitted tomorrow.

May 2
Responses for chapters 14 & 15 are due. We will analyze the plot and define the Accelerated Age* during class. Homework: read chapters 16 & 17 and answer the questions.

May 3
Reading responses for chapters 16 & 17 are due. We will cover chapter 18 in class.
Remember that typed rough drafts are due tomorrow.

May 4
Typed rough drafts are due.
We will create a wanted poster* in class.
Read chapters 19 & 20. Responses are due tomorrow.

May 7
Responses for chapters 19 & 20 are due. Marked rough drafts will be returned; final copies are due on May 10.
Read chapter 21 and complete the reading questions in class.
We will begin working on a “Just Because” poem* or an acrostic poem* in class. The poems are due May 9.  

May 8
Continue working on the poem in class.
Read chapters 22 & 23 for homework. There will be a quiz on chapters 22 & 23 tomorrow.

May 9
Poems are due. We will read chapters 24 & 25 in class and begin working on a book review*.

May 10
Final research papers are due.
Book reviews are due at the beginning of class. Students can work on their multi-genre research papers.

May 11
Continue working on the multi-genre paper.


Multi-Genre Research Project Category                                     Points Possible / Earned

Aesthetics: to move, to instruct, to delight. Work is original,                   10
thoughtfully, creatively, thematically arranged; project’s
voice is appropriate to audience & purpose

Letter to the Reader explains purpose, source, meaning, and               10
how to interpret project; is followed by a table of contents.

Genres: minimum of six entries from groups 1-5; follow                        60
genre conventions, style & diction appropriate to genre,
correct in grammar & mechanics

Essay incorporates scholarly research & critical                                       10                              
methods with at least one work foregrounded.

Sources are fully documented in MLA style                                             10

Notes are complete and fully explanatory of process,                             10
connecting the item to its sources of creation and inclusion

Reflection, Presentation, and Peer Review                                                 100

Group 1: Informational
*Encyclopedia Entry
*Book Critique
Advice Column
Newspaper Article
Recommendation Letter

Group 2: Musical
CD Soundtrack
Write a song

Group 3: Visual
*Wanted Poster
Book Jacket
Comic Strip

Group 4: Spoken Word
Script (interrogation, interview, conversation, phone call, etc.)
Speech (commercial, formal presentation, monologue, broadcast news, etc.)

Group 5: Creative Writing
*“Just Because” Poem
*Acrostic (family) Poem
RAFT inspired writing
Diary Entry
Thank you letter
Concrete Poem

Group 6: Scholarly
*Research paper
*Indicates projects completed in class.