1. Define the following terms: dystopian, utopian, post-apocalyptic
2. What can we learn from reading dystopian novels?
Click here to view an interesting page.
4. Read why Bacigalupi thinks teens crave truth-telling!
Click on the link above. Read Bacigalupi's article, then answer questions 5-7.
5. Why are young adults interested in post-apocalyptic or dystopian stories, according to this writer?
6. What, if anything, does he or she think makes the themes in today’s young adult stories different from those in the past?
7. After reading this writer’s thoughts on dystopian themes in young adult literature, do you agree or disagree? Why?
8. Click on the link below to calculate your carbon footprint. Select the "Calculate for me" option. What is your carbon footprint?
Click here to calculate your carbon footprint.
Once you finish your online scavenger hunt, you may work on the homework or evaluate the options for research papers.
Happy Hunting!
Mrs. Meadows