Research Paper Topics – On Friday, April 20, your topics are due.
Please peruse this list of options. Choose a topic that you find interesting. I will not allow more than one person in each class to research the same issue. If your topic is taken, I will help you come up with an equally interesting topic.
Why is the American middle class shrinking?
Working teens in America—what are the pros and cons?
What is the relationship between education and poverty in America?
Investigate the number of homeless children in America and the burdens they endure.
What is the future of capitalism?
Is China positioning itself to be the next superpower?
The constitutionality of mandating healthcare
Child abuse – medical neglect
Child abuse – physical
What is the effect of global warming on Inuit tribe members?
What is the likelihood that parents who were abused as children abuse their children?
What is Stockholm Syndrome?
How does growing up without a mother put children at risk?
How does growing up without a father put children at risk?
Is it worse to grow up without a mother or a father?
If a parent suffers from drug addiction, what is the likelihood that their child will?
How could the Keystone pipeline negatively impact people and the environment?
How do invasive plants, such as kudzu, threaten the environment?
What is causing the intensification and frequency of severe weather? Focus on either hurricanes or earth quakes.
How is climate change putting children’s health at risk?
What are the risks associated with offshore drilling?
The history of ship breaking in Bangladesh
Investigate the health risks associated with FEMA trailers provided to Katrina victims.
General Electric – What are they doing to combat climate change?
Illegal organ harvesting in America
Why is asthma on the rise?
What are some health hazards associated with ship breaking?
Malaria – its causes, symptoms, prevention
What are the risks of genetic engineering in humans?
What are the risks associated with overuse of antibiotics?
What might a post-apocalyptic religion be like?
Who is Ganesha?
What is karma?